Saturday, June 1, 2013

On Pet Peeves

Alright, pet peeve time.

I HATE when people who are exercising next to me on the ellipticals at the gym wear an obnoxious amount of perfume/cologne. It's already hard enough to breathe as it is, right? It just makes it even harder when my body has to struggle to pick the oxygen molecules out of the adulterated air. If you want to cover up the BO that comes with working out, wear deodorant. Honestly, I think I perfer smelling BO while I exercise over drowning in someone's smell-goods. Or rather smell-bads.

Earlier this week I was cursed with this experience. It wasn't the first time but definitely the worst time. Since I started my job a few weeks back I haven't been to the gym for a while. Which is sad. This week was my first time back so I was struggling a little more than usual, trying to suck in enough oxygen to properly sustain me. When all of a sudden, this awful musky stench filled my nostrils and suffocated my lungs and I almost fell over. I think the guy next to me had actually showered in cologne before he came to the gym. It was such a musty smell, like the smell that somehow makes you feel claustrophobic. I could tell that this scent might not have actually been so bad if the cologne brewers hadn't decided to dump a hearty barrel of mothballs into the vat before selling their product.

Needless to say, I spent a great deal of my workout with my head turned to the right to avoid catching whiffs of said man's stanky cologne. Which was awkward because it probably seemed like I kept staring at the person next to me.

Well, you win some, you lose some, right?

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